Cavitation Sculpting
Cavitation Sculpting: Ultrasonic cavitation tones the body using radio frequencies and low
frequency ultrasonic waves. The waves form bubbles around fat deposits under the skin as
bubbles burst fat deposits are broken up into the interstitial and lymphatic systems where
they are drained.

RF Tightening
RF Tightening: Radio frequency treatments greatly improve elasticity and collagen production
using low energy radiation to heat the deep layers of the dermis. This treatment is effectively
used to improve fine lines, tighten sagging skin, reduce dark circles or eye puffiness and has
been additionally credited with the treatment of acne.
High Suction Contour Butt & Breast Lift
This treatment uses a combination of sculpting technology and
technique to help redistribute fats and tissues for an incredible sculpting lift of the butt or
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